9 Ways to Take Your Workout Routine Outside This Season

9 Ways to Take Your Workout Routine Outside This Season

Warmer weather means it’s the perfect time to get outside and experience Mother Nature. It’s also a great opportunity to shake up your workout routine and begin exercising outside. Throw on your cute sports bras and try one of these nine ideas for outdoor workouts:

Go for a Run.

Running is the classic outdoor activity, and with good reason. It requires no special equipment besides running shoes, workout clothes and ladies panties that don’t trap sweat. You can do it anywhere there is a sidewalk or a secluded street. Take advantage of the nicer weather to explore some trails near you, or simply to hit the neighborhood for a quick run. If you’re not up for running the entire time, then incorporate walking intervals so you can catch your breath. If you’d like, you can keep track of your runs in a dedicated running app to see how your distance increases or time decreases as you progress.

Take a Hike.

If you prefer to get out in nature, then hiking is an excellent activity for you. Depending on what types of trails you’re hiking and how much gear you’re carrying, hiking varies from easy and beginner-friendly to a rigorous workout. If you are new to hiking, start with relatively easy trails and work your way up to the more demanding ones. As with running, hiking doesn’t require much equipment beyond the right shoes and women’s activewear, though very dedicated hikers will invest in other gear, such as walking poles, to make hikes easier.

Get on the Water.

Summer is the perfect time of year to get out on the water. If you live near the beach, then surfing and sailing are great options, while paddleboarding, kayaking and canoeing are all possible on inland rivers and lakes. If you’re not experienced in the water, go with a group and consider getting some lessons from an expert. While it feels like fun while you’re paddling around, you’ll be surprised by how sore your arms are the next day and you will definitely notice the differences if you do it regularly.


Hit the Beach.

While you may associate the beach with leisure, you can actually get in some great workouts at the beach. Both running and walking on sand are much harder than doing the same on pavement, so you’ll burn more calories. Swimming in the ocean is also a major calorie burn, though you do need to be aware of the surf and currents so that you don’t get caught in a rip current. Soon, you’ll discover that the beach might just be the best place to build your beach body.

Ride your Bike.

If you don’t live near the water, you can still take advantage of the weather by riding your bike around your local area. If your neighborhood doesn’t have a lot of traffic, you can simply bike around your house, or you can seek our dedicated bike trails at nearby parks that will keep you away from cars. You can choose a flatter trail if you’re looking to work on your speed, or you can choose ones with more hills if you’re concentrating on building your stamina and strength. Make sure to always wear your helmet when you bike, even if you’re just doing a lap around the neighborhood!

Visit a Park.

Parks aren’t just for kids. You can actually get a really great workout at a park. For example, you can use the monkey bars for pull-ups or a bench to do step-ups or incline push-ups. Scope out some local parks and design circuit workouts for yourself based on whatever equipment each park has. Try to go at off-peak times so that you can have the run of the park and can count on the equipment being open.


Use Your Body Weight.

If you’re used to working out at a gym, or if you have a well-stocked home gym, you might be put off by the lack of equipment in outdoor workouts. While this may seem like a drawback to you, working out with just your bodyweight is a great way to shake up your workout routine, focus on form and get back to basics. Squats, lunges, push-ups and chin-ups, not to mention many other bodyweight exercises, can all be done outside or on a playground. Incorporate cardio exercises such as jumping jacks for a well-rounded circuit workout that works both your heart and your muscles.

Attend an Outdoor Fitness Class.

If you’re not interested in devising your own workouts, then consider taking an outdoor fitness class. Just like classes inside a gym, these outdoor classes are coordinated by fitness instructors and may even be associated with gyms around town. Yoga is a popular outdoor fitness class due to the minimal equipment necessary, but you can also find cardio and strength classes of various kinds. Indeed, you might soon come to prefer exercising in the great outdoors vs. in a small classroom crammed full of way too many sweaty people.

Join an Outdoor Sports League.

If sports leagues are more your thing, then do a little research to see if you can find a local sports league in your area that plays outside. In the summer, many sports leagues meet up at local parks, fields and courts to play football, soccer, basketball and more. All of these outdoor sports clubs are fantastic ways to spend time outdoors, get your fitness in and make new friends who have the same hobbies as you.

Take your workout outside this summer with these nine ideas for outdoor exercises. You might even let your gym membership lapse!