All You Need To Know About Juvederm


Juvederm is a pretty big deal right now. And that’s putting it lightly. There are too many people to count who get treated with it and enjoy all the benefits that come with modern dermal filler procedures. There are too many advantages to count over Juvederm, when compared to other filler compounds, but for now, let’s understand what it is and how it works.

No one wants to be unpleasantly surprised while in the operating room and to prevent this from happening, you need to know all the intricate details of the procedure. Now, keep in mind that each clinic has its staff that works in their own special ways. While the procedure is mostly the same for all filler compounds, Juvederm or otherwise, you’ll still need to know specifically how that clinic works and what they have on offer. In this case you’ll have to visit that particular clinic’s website to learn the more specific information. A good example is Manhattan’s MiracleFace MedSpa and their treatment of Juvederm NYC, which you can learn about on their website and know exactly what you’re buying into.

But there is still a lot of general information you can learn about Juvederm, which should help you be more prepared for the treatment on the day of the procedure. And this knowledge will help you regardless of what clinic you choose to go to.

What the Compound Does

It’s easy to just ignore all the information you can learn about Juvederm and simply accept it as a safe and effective compound for anti-aging, which it very much is. The compound was approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as a completely safe form of facial augmentation that causes few to no side effects, which are minor and last for about a couple days.

Juvederm, as well as pretty much all dermal filler compounds, are made of hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found inside the body, with high concentrations in the joints. Being a naturally produced chemical means that allergic reactions are rarer when the face is treated with a dermal filler. It also means that your body will have an easier time getting used to the treatment.

The chemical, when injected into various parts of the face, can lift the saggy skin of the face and tighten it. As time goes by and we age, we lose a lot of that volume that makes the face look young and fresh. Without this volume, the face becomes saggy and tired-looking. Those bags under the eyes that bother you every morning that you see them in the mirror, are a perfect example of this. The face loses the tightness and starts to look old.

The dermal filler compound is injected into specific areas of the face, injecting it into places like the cheeks, forehead, around the eyes and lips. When the fillers are in place, they raise the skin and tighten it out, smoothing out the skin. This is how anti-aging with Juvederm works; tightening the skin and stretching out wrinkles and trenches. It’s a clever way around the wrinkles, without having to cut or damage the skin.

What the Procedure is Like

I bring up cuts and incisions, mostly because there are a ton of other treatments that may be effective in their own right, but they cause a lot of damage, making the procedure rather painful, as well as the recovery time. Sure, numbing cream and light anesthetics can get rid of those negative sensations, but why would you want to go through unnecessary pain and discomfort, when you could just have a few injections.

Getting injected in the face isn’t exactly something everyone loves doing, but even if you’re afraid of the pain, you don’t have anything to worry about. The numbing cream I mentioned earlier is used to get rid of any pain during the procedure. All you’ll be feeling is a light sting, as well as the tugging when the injections are administered. But this is the absolute worst you’ll feel and nothing but numbness, as you get treated.

Overall, the procedure lasts around 40 to 50 minutes, depending on what you’re treating and with how much filler. The time will also vary from clinic to clinic, also depending on how experienced the surgeon is. Most veteran cosmetic specialists will be able to perform the procedure pretty quickly. But speed isn’t really something that’s important in any cosmetic treatment. It’s how well the results will look in the end.

After the Treatment

Once the treatment is complete, you’ll need to wait for around a week to see the final results. Do keep in mind, that even on the day of the procedure, you’ll see and feel the difference. Your face will noticeably look younger and tighter, thanks to the filler compound lifting the key areas. This is just how well dermal fillers like Juvederm work and how incredibly efficient the results are.


So many patients have reported just how quickly the results become visible, that it’s hard to decline a good deal on Juvederm. The recovery time is very short and the only side effects most people will tell you about are minor aches, a little itching, swelling and redness. They may not seem like particularly pleasant side effects, but when you compare them to those of other treatments, you’ll realize that the difference is night and day.

Which is why big cities with a lot of clinics have a lot of great offers on Juvederm NYC, LA and many other cities in the US being prime examples. After the treatment is finished, you’ll be in contact with the staff, who will always make sure that everything is going well for you and the results are as good as you want them to be.

And while there are ways to fix Juvederm results that you may not be a fan of, such as when the compound creates an asymmetrical look or you just don’t want to see it there, most clinics will give you exactly what you want thanks to their specialists with years of experience. If you find that one clinic that’ll give you everything that you’re looking for, Juvederm can truly change your life and how you see yourself.